The calculation of the energy efficiency in accordance with Directive VDI 4707 sheet 1.
The results can support resource-efficient management and form a quality feature of elevators and your company as well as lead to a sustainable management. At the same time can be made a sustained-action contribution for a future-proof environment, namely lower environmental pollution, trough the energy-efficient design of the elevators.
The system is used for the identification and assessment of new passenger and freight elevators and for the subsequent determination of the energy efficiency of existing lifts.
Energy efficiency can also be used to determine the anticipated energy consumption:

  • Demand values
    (calculated expectation values​​, which are based on certain specifications)

    • Energy efficiency for stationary
    • Energy efficiency for driving
  • Consumption values
    (effective, measured consumption)

After following categories of use, the energy efficiency values ​​are calculated:

Categorie of use 1 2 3 4 5
Intensity and rate of use very slight
very rarely
very intense
very frequently
Average traveltime in hours per day 0,2
(≤ 0,3)
(> 0,3-1)
(> 1-2)
(> 2-4,5)
(> 4,5)
Average downtime in hours per day 23,8 23,5 22,5 21 18
Typical types of buildings and uses
  • Residence with up to 6 apartments
  • Small office with some activity
  • Residence with up to 20 apartments
  • Small office and administration building with 2 to 5 floors
  • Small hotels
  • Hoists with some activity
  • Residence with up to 50 apartments
  • Medium office with up to 10 floors
  • Medium hotels
  • Hoists with medium acivity
  • Residence with more than 50 apartements
  • High office with more than 10 floors
  • Big hotel
  • Small to medium hospital
  • Hoist in production process with one shift
  • Office higher than 100 meter
  • Big hospital
  • Hoist in production process with several shifts

Above the input mask is the following toolbar located:

Energieeffizienz Toolbar

With the toolbar most important commands in menus can be activated.
All changes will take effect when browsing through the registers. On the last active page will be the Energy Efficiency job saved with the button Apply Button .

Energieeffizienz Button Neuer AuftragBy selecting this button, a new energy efficiency contract is initialized and reset all values.
Note: All accomplished changes and calculations will be lost, if the job was not previously saved.

Energieeffizienz Button Auftrag öffnenBy selecting this button, the dialog is called to open an energy efficiency contract. The following screen appears:

Energy Efficiency Open Order
In the upper part of the image can be set different filter characteristics, to search for orders.
After you set the desired filter, please click on that button Apply Button, to update the list in the lower part of the image.
In the lower part of the image will appear all saved orders.
You can select your one from the list or searching for it with the filter in the upper part of the image.

If you move your mouse over the order number, a tool tip appears with a brief information about this job.

In the Options column, the following icons are visible:

Energy Efficiency Legend

If an order is processed, it is automatically disabled for all others and is only released when it is saved or a new order is entered. If you move your mouse over the “locked-mark” appears, by whom the order is blocked.
As long as the contract has not been released by the author, this can not be edited for security reasons.
Orders can also be locked manually by a simple click on the padlock icon Energieeffizienz Button Datensatz sperren in the options column.

Energieeffizienz Button Auftrag speichern By selecting this button, the dialog is called to store an energy efficiency contract. Detecting a new energy efficiency contract following screen appears.

Energy Efficiency Save Order

Please click on the following symbol Energieeffizienz Button Auftragsdaten in the toolbar. By selecting this button, the order data is retrieved:

Energy Efficiency Order Data

Please fill out that mask and afterwards click on Apply Button.
All fields marked with * are required fields.
The “agent” appears automatically based on your application.
Note: On this way only the current job data will be stored, not the job itself!
To save the job please click on Energieeffizienz Button Auftrag speichern in the toolbar.

When saving an already opened energy efficiency-order following screen appears:

Energy Efficiency Save Order 2

Energieeffizienz Button Auftrag drucken By selecting this button, the dialog is called to print a job:

Energy Efficiency Print Order

You can choose from several languages.

At first appears the language with which you have registered yourself at the Building Portal.

In addition, use category can be selected. Also, several categories can be selected with the Shift key at the same time.
Click on the button Energy Efficiency Button Print at the top, right. It automatically creates and PDF file, which you can print after that process.

Energieeffizienz Button Auftrag importieren By selecting that button the orders from the module “calculations” can be imported. The following window will open itself:

Energy Efficiency Import Order

In the upper part of the image different filter characteristics can be set to look for computational jobs.
After setting the desired filter, click on the button Apply Button, to update the list in the lower portion of the image.
In the lower part of the image all the stored calculation orders appear.
You can select yours from this list, or search through the filter in the upper part of the image.

If you move your mouse over the order number, a tool tip appears with a brief information about this job.

The following input mask will open itself:

Energy Efficiency Order Data

All entries are optional. That means that it is not necessary to fill out every field.
Select from the drop-down list, select the drive system from.

With Clicking in the tabs of the execution mask is automatically saved.
On the last active page, please click: Apply Button

By selecting the button “Apply” , the dialog will be closed, the entered values are transferred into the order.

Then click on the “Components” to enter the performance data:

Energy Efficiency Components

Next is the input of the operating and lift elements:

Energy Efficiency Control Elements

To enter the performance of the lighting, click the “Lighting” tab

Energy Efficiency Light

After entering all values, click on the tab item “Evaluation

Energy Efficiency Computation Results Part 1
You will see a complete overview of all consumption, which has calculated the module. At the end of the list calculated energy efficiency appears depending on use Class:

Energy Efficiency Computation Results Part 2

To convert the standstills and travel demand in an energy efficiency class, the elevator will – depending on frequency of use – divided into one of five categories of use. The average travel time per day determines the Category of use: The more often the lift is used, the higher is the utilization category.

Based on the calculation suggests the portal before a Category of use. This proposal is grayed out. About the use of categories, the calculation of the utility category is displayed.


You can view the certificate.

Energieeffizienz Energiezertifikat

From the following table you can see the values ​​you according to how much energy efficiency class:

Energy Efficiency Values Stop